Welcome to my life. :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Sweet Changing Mess

I'mmmmmmmm BAAAAAAAACCCCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back.

From where? Well I'm back from all the places I could have been between now and my last post (Christmas Eve)!

I'm not even really sure where to start with this post. :)

I'm going to be making some changes. I have been making some changes. I am constantly changing. Constantly under construction. 

I have seen Jesus come and move things around and turn them inside out and upside down all for my benefit and His glory. I've seen Him allow things that have made me go "wow Lord that's pretty cool" and things that have made me cry out with sobs and say "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!??" (best to be honest as He already knows what we're thinking. :)

Today I will be talking about one change in particular. 

This blog. 

You see, I have noticed a pattern in my  thinking (well I suppose it's about time) and here is what it comes down to: 

I love life. 

I don't always like what it involves (you know, those sobby times?) but more specifically I love the life that Jesus has given me. Jesus has given me bigger and better than I could imagine or hope for. Yes. Even in those sobby times.

I love the sweetness and memories and stories life brings. 

That being said; I am personally in the middle of a sweet (and sometimes not-so-sweet) changing mess and it has inspired to take a different approach to blogging. 

My hope for it is that it will be an encouragement. A blessing. Something that will make you laugh, cry, giggle, think and most importantly grow. 

So in the next couple of weeks you will witness a "vision" I have not only for my blog, but life as I live it. I'm looking forward to taking on this new perspective and I hope you'll join me. I'll only be posting here a couple more times then I'll introduce you to the new spot. 

Oh before I go -- I heard a rumor that today is Wife Appreciation Day. So. If there's any husbands reading this: go hug and cuddle your wives and remind them how much you love and appreciate them. ;) 

💜<3 --- Annika